Providing Legal Services to the Poor... Conducting Legal Literacy and Awareness Camps in Rural Areas.. Organisation of Lok Adalats..


Human Rights Day - A Special interview with Hon'ble Mr Justice Bhushan Ramkrishna Gavai, Judge, Supreme Court of India and Executive Chairman, NALSA

National Lok Adalat is to be held on 14.12.2024

அரசின் நலத்திட்டங்கள்

Social Welfare and Women Empowerment Department’s Schemes
in the State of Tamil Nadu

Minutes of the High Powered Committee Meetings (rar file)

சட்ட சேவைகள் குறித்த தகவல் கையேடு

குழந்தைகள் பாதுகாப்பு இல்லம் - மாண்புமிகு உச்சநீதிமன்ற ஆணை

தொழிலாளர் நலத்திட்ட கையேடு

குழந்தைகள் நலத்திட்ட உதவிக்கான தமிழக அரசாணை

Welfare Schemes in the State of Tamil Nadu

G.O's relating to allotment of funds by the State of Tamil Nadu

Seeking suggestions/comments on NALSA Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for UTRC and 4 suggestions of NALSA for UTPs/convicts detained in Prisons

Plan of Action 2024-2025

The State shall secure that the operation of the legal system, promotes justice on the basis of equal opportunity and shall, in particular provide free legal aid to ensure that opportunities for securing justice are not denied to any citizen by reason of economic or other disabilities

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